Always on Storm Team 12

Always on Storm Team 12

Always on Storm Team 12

Weather is an important part of living in Kansas. Placing your message on our Always On StormTeam 12 – 12.2 channel will get you in front of thousands of people checking in our ever-changing weather forecasts. 12.2 offers a great way to build frequency and repetition with your message to help make your business a trusted and recognized name.

Call Letters/TV Channel

Cox Cable Channel 675

Over the air Channel 12.2

Station Brand

24/7 Weather Channel


Always on Storm Team 12 features 24/7 weather covering Kansas. The station includes continuous radar and updated forecast from Kansas’ Number 1 Weather Team.


Great way to reach 50+ Audience.  Indexing at 126% for that demo.


Always on Storm Team 12 is streamed live on KWCH Weather App, KWCH News App and